Wednesday, June 27, 2012


A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. Just had to share.

Not Ma'am

I decided to do this blog when it occurred to me that others found my adventures in the parenting of my two teenagers amusing or strangely familiar. There is great enjoyment for me in telling stories and in making others laugh. So the Notations of the Middle aged average Mother is born.

The title of this blog, although slightly awkward, can be translated into an acronym that symbolizes my journey into middle aged life for a woman: "Not Ma'am". Do you remember the first time a cashier or a bank teller called you "Ma'am"? In my case I know I turned around to see who they were talking to. For, of course, it could not have been me they were calling Ma'am! This singular moment was, in retrospect, a game changer. No longer a miss or even a Mrs but a Ma'am. Wow! In the use of one word I became middle aged.

So I looked up what is the definition of middle age. I found this link quite informative.
There is no definitive age where it begins and ends but it is roughly between 35 and 65 years old. No longer a young adult and not a senior yet.

Even though by definition I am middle aged, I do not feel like that inside in my mind. However I do see the few benefits that come with middle age: life experience, the wisdom to not care so much what everyone else thinks and the confidence that comes with that wisdom.

So now it is established that I am indeed middle aged and with two children I am clearly a mother. The use of the word "average" seems to be based in these truths. I know I am not the best mother even though my children have been trained to tell me so once a year on Mother's Day. My children have reached the ages of 17 and 19 and others tell me they are "good" kids. This is my basis for not being the worst mother there is.

So my journey in life as a middle aged average mother will be shared here. I hope you will find some comfort and laughter in the shared experience and leave your comments and stories here as well. Life is a dialogue and motherhood is not for the weak.