Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Future of Communication – NOT!

In the past twenty or so years, technology has given us many new ways to “communicate”. From the internet to cell phones to Facebook and Twitter, people have so many new ways to interact with other people. You might think these new tools and devices would make communication easier and that we would all be closer as a result. NOT!

I want to share with you my thoughts (or perhaps my rant!) about these new technologies. Although these new ways to communicate can help connect us to others, I believe cell phones and social media have, in reality, created a false sense of what true communication is.

The connections one has in Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter has become to be a definition of how popular we are. Have you been asked how many friends you have on Facebook or followers on Twitter? The real question is how many of those friends or followers do you really know in person – face to face.  If you post some news on Facebook and no one comments or Likes it, are any of your friends listening? Can the news you want to share or tweet on Twitter really be done justice in 140 characters or less? How many followers will re-tweet it? It may leave you wondering if you had any communication at all.

Once all of the members in my family had cell phones, I began to see new and unsettling behavior in my family. Strange beeps and vibrations coming from other people’s cell phones. Is that a text, an email, a reminder? After this sound the bizarre behavior commences. Any conversation that was happening stops abruptly. In lieu of whatever was occurring, a cell phone or Ipad has now taken center stage. The fingers are tapping furiously on the touch pad of the phone or tablet in response to the beep or tone. Some text, email, picture or video has stolen away the flow of real conversation. WE are slowly transforming into one of Pavlov’s experiments. He trained dogs to respond to a beep, tone or bell. Mind you, this device is supposed keep us in touch with each other. I think it may have backfired on us as a species. 

I see my son and his friends all together to visit at our house because they haven’t SEEN each other in weeks. They are lined up on the couches and chairs all in one room yet glued to their cell phone and not visiting each other at all. Or I love this one. I am at one end of our very small house and I get a text….from my daughter who is at the other end of the house. Really? Please get up and come talk to me in person. I will admit though I do think it is cute when my husband video Skypes me from his office in the house when I am in the other office. Maybe I like this because he does it to say something sweet! I cannot completely knock these new tools because I met my husband on and that would not have happened without the internet.

These tools have not created better or real communication. Real communication involves an exchange of give and take in real time. Speaking and listening are happening together. Even email is not real communication. It lacks the facial expressions, the vocal tones and body language that give communication real depth and true meaning. I suggest we all make a pact to be renegades and just call each other up and make plans to go to lunch or have a cup of coffee. Maybe we could even turn our cell phones off during this time together. Then we might have a real communication….face to face, person to person with real voices speaking and real ears listening. Wow! How primitive and so last century that would be.

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